about us


Dr. Florian Seidl

Florian studied religious studies and philosophy and did his PhD in philosophy about Zen Buddhism and existentialism at the University of Regensburg. After that he became a systematic consultant and coach (ISB Wiesloch) and established his own company for systematic coaching and consulting in 2011. Meditation and martial arts has always been his main interests since his childhood and besides various trainer certifications (DOSB) he is specialized for Ju-Jutsu and Aikido. Additionally to different meditation schools he finished the qualification to become a MBSR (Mindfulness based stress reduction) teacher in 2012. Ever since he’s teaching mindfulness at his self-established School of Mindulness, and at the University of Regensburg within the master’s degree program “Motion and Mindfulness”.

2018 Florian invented the first german sportspecific mindfulness intervention program for athletes; called mindfulEmotions.

Dr. Florian Seidl
Udetstraße 4
93049 Regensburg

Email: kontakt@florian-seidl.de


prof. Dr. Petra jansen

Petra is the head of the Departement of Sport Science at the University of Regensburg since 2008. She did her PhD and habilitated in experimental psychology and mainly focuses on the connection between motivity, emotion and cognition; especially on a neuroscientific perspective. 2019 she developed the master’s degree program “Motion and Mindfulness” at the University of Regensburg. Her teaching is based on the lectures about developmental psychology, sport psychology and research methods.

She received various awards for her publications and researches in the fields of psychology, sport science, and mindfulness. Additionally she’s a reviewer for more than 50 different international jounals and she’s the chair of the doctoral committee of the faculty of human sciences.

Petra is currently finishing her qualification to become a MBSR (Mindfulness based stress reduction) teacher.

Prof. Dr. Petra Jansen
Institute of Sport Science
Universitätsstraße 31
93053 Regensburg

Email: petra.jansen@ur.de

German website: http://jansen-seidl.de/



Institute of Sport Science

Universitätsstraße 31, 93053 Regensburg

E-mail: melinda.herfet@stud.uni-regensburg.de


Dr. Stefano de dominicis

Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports
Sport, Individual & Society

AB-bygningen, Nørre Allé 55, 2200 København N

E-mail: sdd@nexs.ku.dk